The School with a Heart: Empowering the Youth Through GIST
With our industry-based offerings in both Senior High School and Technical Vocational Courses, GIST seeks to produce happy and holistic graduates who are competent not only in skills and knowledge, but are also true professionals who value heartfelt service to the Filipino community.

Arming students with the life skills needed to achieve their goals and be competitive on a global scale, GIST offers quality education and state of the art facilities at a humane cost. We seek to be the youth’s second home in showcasing their all-around talent, all while creating happy memories with the lifelong friends and second family they will meet in GIST.
Let the school with a heart open its doors to you. You are always welcome.
The 3 Modalities of Learning
A modality of learning that uses Self-Learning Modules based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) developed by our own teachers within the aid of curriculum developers. The parent or guardian can avail of the modules weekly so the student can answer at home in their own pace.